23 Shortcuts for tmux

Jump to: Running/ Starting TMUX, Manage Sessions, Manage Windows and Session Tabs, Panes/splits

1. Running/ Starting TMUX

tmux new -s myname

Start with a session name

tmux a # (or at, or attach)

Attach to an existing session number

tmux a -t myname

Attach to a named session

tmux ls

List sessions

tmux kill-session -t myname

Kill session

2. Manage Sessions


New session


List sessions


Name session





3. Manage Windows and Session Tabs

Ctrl+B C

Create window

Ctrl+B W

List Windows

Ctrl+B N

Next window

Ctrl+B P

Previous window

Ctrl+B F

Find window

Ctrl+B ,

Name window

Ctrl+B &

Kill window

4. Panes/splits

Ctrl+B %

Vertical split

Ctrl+B "

Horizontal split

Ctrl+B O

Swap panes

Ctrl+B Q

Show pane numbers

Ctrl+B X

Kill pane

Ctrl+B Arrow Keys

Move to pane

Created by kcris on 4/20/2017


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