Jump to: Accessing DevTools and DevTools Basics, Elements Panel, Styles Panel, Sources Panel
Ctrl+Shift+I (or F12) | Open Developer Tools |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Open Developer Tools (With Focus on Javascript Console) |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Toggle Element Inspection mode |
Ctrl+Shift+C (2x) | Switch Focus on Developer Tools (there is not really a shortcut for focusing on the Developer Tool, but this is a workaround. Watch the Inspector Mode Icon change color as you press for guidence. Finally, this works only if DevTools are docked; if they are not, simpy switch between windows with Alt+Tab) |
? | Show General Settings Dialog (press Esc to exit) |
Ctrl+[/] | Switch to next / Switch to previous panel (add Alt to the combination to reverse the direction) |
Ctrl+D | Dock / Undock Developer Tool |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Toggle (mobile) Device Mode |
Ctrl+F | Search Text in Source |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Search Text across sources |
Ctrl+O | Search by Filename |
Ctrl+[+]/- | Zoom in / Zoom out Developer tools |
Ctrl+0 (zero) | Zoom to default |
Ctrl+Arrow Up | Focus on the Elements content (this is strangely nowhere documented, but worked for me; without this one, you cannot use any of the other shortcuts below without clicking on the content first) |
Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Navigate upwards/ downwards |
Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y | Undo / Redo Change |
Arrow Right/Arrow Left | Expand / Collapse |
Left-click on arrow | Expand node |
Ctrl+Alt+Left-click | Expand/collapse node with all children |
Enter | Edit the element |
H | Hide the element |
F2 | Toggle edit as HTML |
Left-click | Edit Rule |
Left-click on white space | Insert new property |
Ctrl+Left-click on property | Go to line of style rule property declaration |
Shift+Left-click on property | Cycle through the color definition value |
Tab/Shift+Tab | Edit next / edit previous property |
Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Increase / decrease value by 1 |
Page Up/Page Down | Increase / decrease value by 10 |
Shift+Page Up/Page Down | Increase / decrease value by 100 |
Alt+Arrow Up/Arrow Down | Increase / decrease value by 100 |
F8, Ctrl+\ | Pause / resume script execution |
F8, Ctrl+\ | Pause / resume script execution |
F10, Ctrl+' | Step over next function call |
F11, Ctrl+; | Step into next function call |
Shift+F11, Ctrl+Shift+; | Step out of current function |
Ctrl+./, | Select next / select previous call frame |
Left-click on line-number | Toggle breakpoint condition |
Right-click on line number | Edit breakpoint condition |
Alt+Delete | Delete individual words |
Ctrl+/ | Comment a line or selected text |
Ctrl+S | Save changes to local modifications |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Save all changes |
Ctrl+G | Go to line |
Ctrl+O | Search by filename |
Ctrl+P+number | Jump to line number |
Ctrl+O+number +number | Jump to column |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Go to member |
Alt+W | Close active tab |
Ctrl+Enter | Run snippet |
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