26 Shortcuts for VistaSwitcher

Jump to: Moving Between Open Windows, Window List Selection, Window Management, Application / Other


is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS. Once installed, it replaces the default Windows Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks, with their names and preview snapshots, and enables the user to take actions on them using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts. With just one click, you can switch tasks, minimize, maximize, restore the main window, or close the process.

*NOTE: Keyboard shortcuts can be reassigned in the program's Preferences menu.

1. Moving Between Open Windows


Switch between open windows (temporarily shows the window list; same behavior as standard Windows task switcher)


Switch between open windows of the same application


Switch between open windows on the current monitor (for multiple monitor setups)


Show the list of all open windows (same as alt+tab, but doesn't dissapear when key is released)


Show the list of all open windows of the current application (same as alt+', but doesn't dissapear when key is released)

2. Window List Selection

arrow keys or pageup/pagedown or home/End

Select a window from the list


Navigate to the next window of the current application

1, 2 ....9

Select window number 1, 2....9

Shift+Arrow Keys

Select multiple windows

S or Insert

Select the current window and move to the next

D or Backspace

Deselect the current window and move to the next


Select/Deselect all


Remove the selected window from the list (temporary - does not actually close the window).

3. Window Management

space or enter

Switch to the selected window

f2 or m

Minimize the selected window


cascade the selected windows


Tile selected windows vertically


Tile selected windows horizontally

f6 or <

Restore the selected windows

f7 or >

Maximize the selected windows

f4 or x

Close the selected windows

f8 or t

Terminate the selected tasks (kills the application and closes all windows - very powerful)

f9 or -

Sort the window list by title

f10 or +

Sort the window list by application

4. Application / Other


Open the preferences menu


Explore the .exe path of the selected window's application

Created by rsking84 on 11/23/2011. Last updated by rosebud007 on 5/9/2013


1 Comments for 'VistaSwitcher '   

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Comment #1 by Damir Ciganović-Janković Mar 5, 2015 at 08:27 am  Reply

It seems to me that that "NOTE" is wrong, I can't find in preferences how to reasign keyboard shortcuts

Reply #1 Damir Ciganović-Janković Mar 5, 2015 at 08:29 am

Ignore my comment, I misinterpretated it :) i thought that you could change all shortcuts :)


VistaSwitcher Shortcuts

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