51 Shortcuts for progeCAD

Jump to: Function Key Shortcuts, Mouse Shortcuts

1. Function Key Shortcuts


Starts online Help


Turns the Prompt History window on and off


Turns entity snaps on and off


Switches the isometric plane between Top, Right, and Left


Switches coordinate display between On, Off, and Angle/Distance


Turns the reference grid on and off


Switches the orthogonal mode on and off


Turns snap settings on and off


Turns the status bar on and off

2. Mouse Shortcuts

Ctrl+Shift+Hold and Drag left mouse button

Real-Time Zoom command

Ctrl+Shift+Hold and Drag right mouse button

Real-Time Pan command

Ctrl+Hold and Drag left mouse button

Real-Time Sphere command

Ctrl+Hold and Drag right mouse button

Real-Time Z command

Shift+Left-click mouse

Deselect entities

Shift+Right-click mouse

Entity snap shortcut menu

Hold and Drag left mouse button

Move selected entities

Ctrl+Hold and Drag left mouse button

Copy and move selected entities

Right-click mouse

Display shortcut menu for the selected entity

Rotate mouse wheel

Zoom In and Zoom Out commands

Hold mouse wheel, and then move mouse

Pan command

Created by rank17 on 7/23/2017


1 Comments for 'progeCAD '   

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Comment #1 by Deepika Jun 16, 2021 at 08:10 am  Reply

TrueCAD uses latest intellicad engine 10.0a


progeCAD Shortcuts

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