Frequently Asked Questions

What is this site about? started out as a hobby many years ago. Initially it was a few static pages with my favorite Firefox Shortcuts. I noticed a steadily growing stream of visitors from like-minded Shortcuts enthusiasts. Over the years I kept tweaking, adding and improving the project slowly. While daytime-job and family obligations slowed down the process, it made it into a quite successful internet niche for a full-blown Shortcut Resource Page. Goal is to make this the world's largest resource for Shortcuts, allowing millions of people to save billions of hours by increasing productivity.

How to Contribute?

The site was built around the idea of collaboration. In order to build the largest shortcut reference database, anybody who can lend a hand is welcome and appreciated. The site was built in a way for anybody to easily be able to contribute, please read how to edit existing Pages and add new pages after registering as contributor. If you see issues with content or shortcuts and are in a rush, you can always drop a comment as guest and I'll update the respective page.

What happens after Registration?

After registration, you are able to edit and add pages. Similar to Wikipedia. You can manage your own Shortcut Pages either publically (now) or privately (future). Also, I am working on an option to subscribe to Applicatiosn so that registered users get updated once new content is added.

How to Add and Edit Pages?

Please check the detailed instructions on here how to contribute.

How is the site Built?

ShortcutWorld is built with native PHP backed by a MariaDB database. Frontend uses Boostrap and jQuery. I initially looked into WordPress and/or PHP frameworks, but felt it would limit the flexibility and scalability.

How about Security?

I feel very confident about the way was implemented. It sits on a Virtual Private Server at a professional Web Hosting Provider with all relevant security policies enabled. All server passwords are excessive in length. The Underlying technology is standard Apache, PHP, and MySQL, and less than a handful add-ons mainly for the front-end, such as jQuery. No third-party framework was used which avoids potential vulnerability and dependencies. All User Login and Account Pages have SSL enabled. Passwords are double-hashed with MD5 + SHA1 and salted. Brute-force attacks against the login page are tracked, incrementally slowed down, and IP's or User Accounts locked. PHP PDO is used for all database queries. All code is 100% under control, down to each component and parameter. All Apache, PHP, and Access logs are stored and reviewed regularly. PHP is updated to the latest version. To prevent data loss and vandalism, all published page updates are logged and reversible. Regular database backups are happening. If you could think of anything else that could be done, please let me know.


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