Excel Cell and Text Formatting Shortcuts

Jump to: General Cell Format, Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color, Number Formats, Alignments, Wrap and Merge

1. General Cell Format

Ctrl+Alt+V, then T and Enter

Copy a cell via Ctrl+C, then via Paste Spacieal, paste format of that cell to current cell


Repeat a previous cell format action on current cell


Open Format Cells dialog with last selection active


Open Format Cells dialog with Font Tab active

2. Font Face, Font Decoration, and Cell Color


Apply/ remove bold format


Apply/ remove italic format


Apply/ remove underline format


Apply/ remove strikethrough formatting

Alt+H, FF

Home select Font Face; type font name supported by auto-complete, or use Arrow Down to select.

Alt+H, FS

Home select Font Size; use Arrow Key, then Enter to change size

Alt+H, FC, Escape, Enter

Assign current font color to selection via Home Font Color. While escaping the font-color drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color.

Alt+HH, Escape, Enter

Assign current fill color to selected cell color via Home Higlight Cell. While escaping the highlight drop-down, the focus stays on the icon; simply press Enter to assign the current color.

Alt+HH, then N

Set to No fill color

3. Number Formats


Apply the general number format (e.g. 1000)


Apply the number format with two decimal places, thousands separator (e.g. 1,000.00)


Apply the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM


Apply the date format with the day, month, and year


Apply the currency format with two decimal places (e.g. $1,000.00)


Apply the percentage format with no decimal places (e.g. 10%)


Apply the scientific number format

4. Alignments

Alt+H, AL

Align Left

Alt+H, AR

Align Right

Alt+H, AC

Align Center

Alt+H, AT

Align Top

Alt+H, AM

Align Middle

Alt+H, AB

Align Bottom

5. Wrap and Merge

Alt+H, W

Wrap or unwrap text (Home - Wrap Text)

Alt+H, MM

Merge cells - Merge

Alt+H, MU

Merge - Unmerge

Alt+H, MC

Merge and Center

Alt+H, MA

Merge Across (merge all columns, but not rows in selection)

Created by max on 1/14/2021


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