Excel Formula Shortcuts

Jump to: Basic Formula Usage, Common Text Functions, Common Calculation Functions, Auditing Formulas, Shortcuts for Force Calculation

1. Basic Formula Usage


Toggle show formulas on/off


Start a formula


Insert the AutoSum formula

Ctrl+A with formula present

Edit formula in formula Bar


Expand/ collapse formula bar


After typing cell reference (eg =E4) makes reference absolute (=$E$4). Repeat if you want to toogle from absolute reference to partial or complete removal ($E$4 -> E$4 -> $E4 -> returning to E4.

Shift+F3 with empty cell

Display the 'insert function; dialog box

Shift+F3 with formula present

Edit arguments of formula at cursor position

Alt+H,FD, U

Select all Formulas (Home - Find - Formulas

Ctrl+Shift+Enter with array formula

Enter a formula as an array formula. Formula bar will show this as e.g. {=SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)} whichis the sum of A1*B2+A2*B2+A3+B3. This is an easy and concise method. Remember that each time editing the formula will require the Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Some keyboards seem to distinguish between left and right Shift key


Show/ hide all formulas. This will automatically extend all column widths which reverses when presed again


Duplicate formula from cell above


Paste named range in formula

2. Common Text Functions

=LEFT (text, num_chars)

Return X number of chars of text from left

=RIGHT (text, num_chars)

Return X number of chars of text from right

=MID (text, start_num, num_chars)

Return X number of chars of text from middle


Returns length of text

=CONCATENATE (text, text2, …)

Concatenates/ combines multiple cells or text fragments

=FIND (find_text, within_text)

Case-sensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start positionas optional parameters.

=SEARCH (find_text, within_text)

Case-insensitive search of text within provided text. Add optional start positionas optional parameters.


Remove extra spaces from beginning and end of text


Convert text to all upper case

=LOWER (text)

Convert text to all olower case

=PROPER (text)

Convert text to all proper case (first letter capital, rest lower case)

3. Common Calculation Functions

=SUM (value1,value2, …)

Sum values

=COUNT (value1,value2, …)

Count cells

=COUNTA (value1,value2, …)

Count cells with content

=MAX (number1, number2, …)

Maximum value

=MIN (number1, number2, …)

Minimum value

4. Auditing Formulas


Select direct precedents


Select all precedents


Select direct dependents


Select all dependents


Formulas - Trace Precedents


Formulas - Trace Dependents


Formulas - Remove all Arrow Traces

5. Shortcuts for Force Calculation


Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks


Calculate the active worksheet


Calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation


Recheck dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated

Created by max on 1/14/2021. Last updated by admin on 1/14/2021


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