List of Excel IS Functions and Information Functions with Syntax and Arguments

This reference table lists all officially documented IS Functions and Information Functions. It is based on the Excel Help documentation and linked in each row when clicking on the function name. Export the table and/or display additional columns via the symbols to the top right of the table. Please report errors or inconsistencies via the comment function at the bottom of this page. Also check the main table with List of all Excel Functions.

#Excel FunctionDescriptionSyntax with ArgumentsSyntax onlyArguments only
1CELLReturns information about the formatting, location, or contents of a cell=CELL(info_typeinfo_type [required]: A text value that specifies what type of cell information you want to return., [referencereference [optional]: The cell that you want information about.])=CELL(info_type, [reference])
  • info_type (required): A text value that specifies what type of cell information you want to return.
  • reference (optional): The cell that you want information about.
2ERROR.TYPEReturns a number corresponding to one of the error values in Microsoft Excel or returns the #N/A error if no error exists=ERROR.TYPE(error_valerror_val [required]: The error value whose identifying number you want to find.)=ERROR.TYPE(error_val)
  • error_val (required): The error value whose identifying number you want to find.
3INFOReturns information about the current operating environment=INFO(type_texttype_text [required]: Text that specifies what type of information you want returned.)=INFO(type_text)
  • type_text (required): Text that specifies what type of information you want returned.
4ISBLANKChecks if value refers to empty cell=ISBLANK(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISBLANK(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
5ISERRChecks if value is any error value ((#N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!)=ISERR(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISERR(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
6ISERRORChecks if value is any error value ((#N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!)=ISERROR(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISERROR(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
7ISEVENChecks if value is an even number=ISEVEN(numbernumber [required]: The value to test.)=ISEVEN(number)
  • number (required): The value to test.
8ISFORMULAChecks if value is a formula=ISFORMULA(referencereference [required]: Reference is a reference to the cell you want to test.)=ISFORMULA(reference)
  • reference (required): Reference is a reference to the cell you want to test.
9ISLOGICALChecks if value is a logical value=ISLOGICAL(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested. )=ISLOGICAL(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
10ISNAChecks if value is #N/A (value not available)=ISNA(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested. )=ISNA(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
11ISNONTEXTChecks if value is a non-text vlue=ISNONTEXT(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISNONTEXT(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
12ISNUMBERChecks if value is a number=ISNUMBER(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISNUMBER(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
13ISODDChecks if value is an odd number=ISODD(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISODD(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
14ISREFChecks if value is a reference=ISREF(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISREF(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
15ISTEXTChecks if value is a text=ISTEXT(valuevalue [required]: The value that you want tested.)=ISTEXT(value)
  • value (required): The value that you want tested.
16NReturns a value converted to a number=N(valuevalue [required]: The value you want converted.)=N(value)
  • value (required): The value you want converted.
17NAReturns the error value #N/A=NA()=NA()
    18SHEETReturns the sheet number of the reference sheet=SHEET(valuevalue [required]: Value is the name of a sheet or a reference for which you want the sheet number.)=SHEET(value)
    • value (required): Value is the name of a sheet or a reference for which you want the sheet number.
    19SHEETSReturns the number of sheets in a reference=SHEETS(referencereference [required]: Reference is a reference for which you want to know the number of sheets it contains.)=SHEETS(reference)
    • reference (required): Reference is a reference for which you want to know the number of sheets it contains.
    20TYPEReturns the type of value=TYPE(valuevalue [required]: Can be any Microsoft Excel value, such as a number, text, logical value, and so on.)=TYPE(value)
    • value (required): Can be any Microsoft Excel value, such as a number, text, logical value, and so on.


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