List of Excel Web Functions with Syntax and Arguments

This reference table lists all officially documented Web Functions. It is based on the Excel Help documentation and linked in each row when clicking on the function name. Export the table and/or display additional columns via the symbols to the top right of the table. Please report errors or inconsistencies via the comment function at the bottom of this page. Also check the main table with List of all Excel Functions.

#Excel FunctionDescriptionSyntax with ArgumentsSyntax onlyArguments only
1ENCODEURLReturns an URL-encoded string, replacing certain non-alphanumeric characters with the percentage symbol (%) and a hexadecimal number=ENCODEURL(texttext [required]: A string to be URL encoded)=ENCODEURL(text)
  • text (required): A string to be URL encoded
2FILTERXMLReturns specific data from XML content by using the specified xpath=FILTERXML(xmlxml [required]: A string in valid XML format, xpathxpath [required]: A string in standard XPath format)=FILTERXML(xml, xpath)
  • xml (required): A string in valid XML format
  • xpath (required): A string in standard XPath format
3WEBSERVICEReturns data from an URL=WEBSERVICE(urlurl [required]: The URL of the web service to be called)=WEBSERVICE(url)
  • url (required): The URL of the web service to be called


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