How to Add and Edit Content on ShortcutWorld

Add and Edit Basics

For a quick intro, please check the 'How to Contribute' section for how ShortcutWorld content is organized and how to access the Editor.

Add new Applications

Please use search function to check if the Application doesn't already exist. Then clock on 'Add Page' on the top menu. Provide application name and if versions should be listed separately. Use versions only if it makes sense. Select a platform such as Windows or MacOS. Finally, please provide one or multiple Groups (e.g. Adobe Creative Suite) and Categories (e.g. 3D Computer Graphic). A Twitter handle will trigger an automated Tweet from @ShortcutWorld tagging the application handle once the page is approved. Click next to access the Page Editor.

Provide Application attributes and click on 'next' to create content

Add Shortcut Pages to existing Applications

If the Application Page already exists, please use the plus sign on any Shortcut Page to add Pages to the application.

Shortcut Pages can be added to existing Applications

Use the Page Editor

Access the Page Editor by creating a new Shortcut Page, or when editing an existing Page. You can edit Shortcut Pages by using the Page- or the XML-Editor Editor and you may switch between them any time. For complex pages, it is recommended to switch to the XML editor occasionally, copy the XML data to a local text editor to keep a backup of your work. The format for Shortcut Pages is fixed into one line per Shortcut broken down into Keystroke and Description for each. Shortcuts can be grouped into Categories and Categories can have Sub-Categories. Sub-Categories can be promoted to Categories, and Categories can be promoted so that all Shortcuts are uncategorized. Each Page can have a Page Intro text. Pages can list sources which at times may not be displayed globally depending on the level of link-spam. Finally, Keystrokes have a square bracket to format the keys when displayed. Clicking on 'Format Keys' will automatically add most of the brackets.

Access Editor functions via the Editor Menu

Page Editor: Bulk-Upload Shortcuts

Shortcuts can be added line by line or via bulk. To add new lines one-by-one, press on 'Add Shortcuts', or press [Tab] at the end of each line. A better way is to create pages by preparing the data in a spreadsheet application and copy & paste multiple lines at once. Create a spreadsheet with 2 columns: first column for Keystrokes and second column for Description. Then select multiple lines, copy to clipboard, and paste into the first Keystroke field in the Page Editor. If you have multiple categories, copy & paste each category from your spreadsheet into the Page Editor. The same works with a text editor as source - all that is required is a tab between keystroke and a line break after each description.

Access Editor functions via the Editor Menu

Page Editor: Format Keystrokes

Press 'Format Keys' to add square formatting brackets to most keystrokes. This recognizes most common keystroke terms such as CTRL, control, arrow right, etc. Besides adding brackets, terms are harmonized primarily into starting with uppercase letters and a few others. Keystrokes can be formatted multiple times; already formatted keystrokes are ignored.

Click on 'Format Keys' to add square formatting brackets and fix capitalization.

Page Editor: Other Functions

Use the red cross on the right-hand side to delete single lines or complete categories. Drag and drop categories or single shortcuts to move content around. Add subcategories or promote categories. There is currently no demote function, please use the XML editor to add the XML tags for the same.

Use the XML Editor

All shortcut content is stored as XML format. You can edit XML directly in the Editor by clicking on 'Capture edits and switch to XML Editor'. The XML Editor can be used to quickly copy & paste complete Shortcut Pages. For example, you may have created a Windows version of a Shortcut Page and want to create a MacOS version of the same. You can use a local text editor to search and replace CTRL with COMMAND and ALT with OPTION to create most the respective MacOS Page. At any time, you can switch back and forth between Page Editor and XML Editor. The XML Editor will let you know if an XML file is valid or not upon clicking on 'preview', 'save', or when switching editors. Below the instructions on how to work with the XML files. In its most basic form, a Shortcut Page only needs the XML declaration, one <root> tag enclosing the document, and <shortcut> tags holding keystroke (<keys>) and description (<text>) each

XML Editor: Special Characters

The following characters can be used in the XML Editor, either with or without square brackets.

  • ],[ - Enclose keystrokes with square brackets to highlighted as keystroke, e.g. [Ctrl]+[b]
  • [br] - Line Break
  • [&amp;] - Instead of [&] (illegal XML character)
  • [&lt;], [&gt;] - Less than/ greater than - Instead of < and >
  • [&#8984;] - for the Apple Command Key (⌘), or you can use the term 'Command'.

XML Editor: Categories and Sub-Categories

To structure documents, <category> and <sub_category> tags can be used. It is then required to provide a <title> and all <shortcut> tags must be categorized:

Intro, Header/Footer, Links and Sources

Each Page can have one <intro> tag for text at the beginning of the page and <header> or <footer> tags for text at the beginning or end of any category Category or Sub-Category. A <source> tag lists sources used when compiling the page. Sometimes links may not be displayed globally due to link-spam.

Save and Submit Pages

Once page is created, please click on 'save' first. This will create a Shortcut Page Draft in your account. You can come back and edit later any time. If editing is completed, please click on 'Submit for Approval'. Pages are usually approved within 24 hours of submitting and you get an email update once the page is live.

Editing Best Practices

Please follow the guidelines on best practices below. It is meant as general guidance and not all rules make sense in all situations. Overall goal is to encourage consistency and standards across the project, improve user experience and support the contribution process. Generally, goals of the project are to provide Shortcuts in an easy and simplistic format. Generally, please

  • List high-value shortcuts first, lesser-used shortcuts later.
  • Every word should count. Idea is to be brief and to the point.
  • Give credit to Sources if any are used.

Do's and Dont's for Shortcuts expressions

  Do's Dont's
Make every word count, less is more. Save document Save the current document to disk
Period at end of sentence is optional, unless there are full sentences. Close Window Close Window.
Active verb forms Move one cell to the right Moves one cell to the right
Consistent terms across the page Close Webpage, Open Webpage, Save Webpage Close Webpage, Open Page, Save Web Site
Prefer single quotes Open 'Control Panel' menu Open "Control Panel" menu
Provide hints in description [Ctrl]+[S] - [S]ave Document [Ctrl]+[s] - Save Document
Combine functions which belong together [+]/[-] - Zoom in/ out [+] - Zoom in
[-] - Zoom out
Keystrokes go in square brackets [Ctrl]+[V] Ctrl + V
Capitalize first letter of Keystroke [Alt]+[D] [ALT]+[d]
No spaces between keystrokes or keystroke combinations [Ctrl]+[V], [+]/[-] [Ctrl] + [V], [+] / [-]
Use dots (...) for alphanumeric or numeric ranges [0]...[4] [0]-[4], [1]-[4], [0],[1],[2],[3],[4]
Consistent use of 'Arrow Keys' terms [Arrow down] [Down Arrow], [Down-arrow], [Downwards arrow], [?]
Combine keystrokes with slash [Arrow up]/[Arrow Down] [Up arrow] and [Arrow down]
Simplify arrow keys [Arrow keys] [Arrow Up]/ [Arrow Down]/ [Arrow Right]/ [Arrow Left]
Mouse-keyboard gestures [Ctrl]+drag [Ctrl] and drag, [Ctrl]-drag, hold [Ctrl] and drag...
Left Mouse button [Ctrl]+left click [Ctrl]+click on left mouse button
Omit second [alt], [option], etc. for combinations [Alt]+[Shift]+[Arrow left]/[Arrow right] [alt]+[shift]+[arrow left]/[alt]+[shift][arrow right]
User line breaks [br] for readability [Alt]+[Shift]
+[Arrow left]/[Arrow right]
[alt]+[shift]+[arrow left]/[arrow right]
Space Key [Space] [spacebar], [space bar] ...
Escape key [Escape] [ESC], [Escape]
NumLock Key [Num lock] [NumLock], [NUM LOCK]



Icons in the Editor are based on the Silk Icons Set. Syntax coloring from CodeMirror.


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