Windows Desktop and Taskbar Shortcuts

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Enable Start Button. To launch application, typing application name and press Enter; or use Arrow Keys, Space and Enter to navigate. Press Win again to close.


Set focus on Taskbar on main monitor


Set focus on Notification Area Bar on main monitor

Tab, Shift+Tab

On empty desktop (after pressing Win+D) - Navigate between Desktop, Taskbar and Notification Bar. Then use Arrow Keys and Enter to launch specific icons.

Shift+click on taskbar item

Open new instance of application

Ctrl+Shift+click on task bar item

Open new instance of application as Administrator


Open Taskbar item 1..9. Multiple instances of same application are treated as 1 item


Create a new instance of Taskbar item 1…9


Create a new instance of Taskbar item 1…9 as administrator

Arrow Keys

Navigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop)


Select first / select last object on desktop


Launch active object


Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu use Arrow Keys, A-Z and Enter to select item.

A, B, C, ...

Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter.


Close the current window

Created by max on 1/12/2021


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