This reference table lists all officially documented Compatibility Functions. It is based on the Excel Help documentation and linked in each row when clicking on the function name. Export the table and/or display additional columns via the symbols to the top right of the table. Please report errors or inconsistencies via the comment function at the bottom of this page. Also check the main table with List of all Excel Functions.
# | Excel Function | Description | Syntax with Arguments | Syntax only | Arguments only |
1 | BETADIST | Returns the cumulative beta probability density function | =BETADIST(xx [required]: The value between A and B at which to evaluate the function., alphaalpha [required]: A parameter of the distribution., betabeta [required]: A parameter of the distribution., [aa [optional]: A lower bound to the interval of x.], [bb [optional]: An upper bound to the interval of x.]) | =BETADIST(x, alpha, beta, [a], [b]) |
2 | BETAINV | Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function for a specified beta distribution | =BETAINV(probabilityprobability [required]: A probability associated with the beta distribution., alphaalpha [required]: A parameter of the distribution., betabeta [required]: A parameter the distribution., [aa [optional]: A lower bound to the interval of x.], [bb [optional]: An upper bound to the interval of x.]) | =BETAINV(probability, alpha, beta, [a], [b]) |
3 | BINOMDIST | Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability | =BINOMDIST(number_snumber_s [required]: The number of successes in trials., trialstrials [required]: The number of independent trials., probability_sprobability_s [required]: The probability of success on each trial., cumulativecumulative [required]: A logical value that determines the form of the function.) | =BINOMDIST(number_s, trials, probability_s, cumulative) |
4 | CHIDIST | Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution | =CHIDIST(xx [required]: The value at which you want to evaluate the distribution., deg_freedomdeg_freedom [required]: The number of degrees of freedom.) | =CHIDIST(x, deg_freedom) |
5 | CHIINV | Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution | =CHIINV(probabilityprobability [required]: A probability associated with the chi-squared distribution., deg_freedomdeg_freedom [required]: The number of degrees of freedom.) | =CHIINV(probability, deg_freedom) |
6 | CHITEST | Returns the test for independence | =CHITEST(actual_rangeactual_range [required]: The range of data that contains observations to test against expected values., expected_rangeexpected_range [required]: The range of data that contains the ratio of the product of row totals and column totals to the grand total.) | =CHITEST(actual_range, expected_range) |
7 | CONFIDENCE | Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution | =CONFIDENCE(alphaalpha [required]: The significance level used to compute the confidence level., standard_devstandard_dev [required]: The population standard deviation for the data range and is assumed to be known., sizesize [required]: The sample size.) | =CONFIDENCE(alpha, standard_dev, size) |
8 | COVAR | Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair in two data sets | =COVAR(array1array1 [required]: The first cell range of integers., array2array2 [required]: The second cell range of integers.) | =COVAR(array1, array2) |
9 | CRITBINOM | Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value | =CRITBINOM(trialstrials [required]: The number of Bernoulli trials., probability_sprobability_s [required]: The probability of a success on each trial., alphaalpha [required]: The criterion value.) | =CRITBINOM(trials, probability_s, alpha) |
10 | EXPONDIST | Returns the exponential distribution | =EXPONDIST(xx [required]: The value of the function., lambdalambda [required]: The parameter value., cumulativecumulative [required]: A logical value that indicates which form of the exponential function to provide.) | =EXPONDIST(x, lambda, cumulative) |
11 | FDIST | Returns the F probability distribution (degree of diversity) for two data sets | =FDIST(xx [required]: The value at which to evaluate the function., deg_freedom1deg_freedom1 [required]: The numerator degrees of freedom., deg_freedom2deg_freedom2 [required]: The denominator degrees of freedom.) | =FDIST(x, deg_freedom1, deg_freedom2) |
12 | FLOOR | Rounds number down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance | =FLOOR(numbernumber [required]: The numeric value you want to round., significancesignificance [required]: The multiple to which you want to round.) | =FLOOR(number, significance) |
13 | FTEST | Returns the result of an F-test, the two-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different | =FTEST(array1array1 [required]: The first array or range of data., array2array2 [required]: The second array or range of data.) | =FTEST(array1, array2) |
14 | GAMMADIST | Returns the gamma distribution | =GAMMADIST(xx [required]: The value at which you want to evaluate the distribution., alphaalpha [required]: A parameter to the distribution., betabeta [required]: A parameter to the distribution., cumulativecumulative [required]: A logical value that determines the form of the function.) | =GAMMADIST(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) |
15 | GAMMAINV | Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution | =GAMMAINV(probabilityprobability [required]: The probability associated with the gamma distribution., alphaalpha [required]: A parameter to the distribution., betabeta [required]: A parameter to the distribution.) | =GAMMAINV(probability, alpha, beta) |
16 | HYPGEOMDIST | Returns the hypergeometric distribution/ probability of a given number of sample successes, given the sample size, population successes, and population size. | =HYPGEOMDIST(sample_ssample_s [required]: The number of successes in the sample., number_samplenumber_sample [required]: The size of the sample., population_spopulation_s [required]: The number of successes in the population., number_popnumber_pop [required]: The population size.) | =HYPGEOMDIST(sample_s, number_sample, population_s, number_pop) |
17 | LOGINV | Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev. | =LOGINV(probabilityprobability [required]: A probability associated with the lognormal distribution., meanmean [required]: The mean of ln(x)., standard_devstandard_dev [required]: The standard deviation of ln(x).) | =LOGINV(probability, mean, standard_dev) |
18 | LOGNORMDIST | Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and standard_dev | =LOGNORMDIST(xx [required]: The value at which to evaluate the function., meanmean [required]: The mean of ln(x)., standard_devstandard_dev [required]: The standard deviation of ln(x).) | =LOGNORMDIST(x, mean, standard_dev) |
19 | MODE | Returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an array or range of data | =MODE(number1number1 [required]: The first number argument for which you want to calculate the mode., [number2number2 [optional]: Additional numbers to calculate the mode.], ...) | =MODE(number1, [number2], ...) |
20 | NEGBINOMDIST | Returns the negative binomial distribution | =NEGBINOMDIST(number_fnumber_f [required]: The number of failures., number_snumber_s [required]: The threshold number of successes., probability_sprobability_s [required]: The probability of a success.) | =NEGBINOMDIST(number_f, number_s, probability_s) |
21 | NORM.INV | Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation | =NORM.INV(probabilityprobability [required]: A probability corresponding to the normal distribution., meanmean [required]: The arithmetic mean of the distribution., standard_devstandard_dev [required]: The standard deviation of the distribution.) | =NORM.INV(probability, mean, standard_dev) |
22 | NORMDIST | Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation | =NORMDIST(xx [required]: The value for which you want the distribution., meanmean [required]: The arithmetic mean of the distribution., standard_devstandard_dev [required]: The standard deviation of the distribution., cumulativecumulative [required]: A logical value that determines the form of the function.) | =NORMDIST(x, mean, standard_dev, cumulative) |
23 | NORMSDIST | Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function | =NORMSDIST(zz [required]: The value for which you want the distribution.) | =NORMSDIST(z) |
24 | NORMSINV | Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution | =NORMSINV(probabilityprobability [required]: A probability corresponding to the normal distribution.) | =NORMSINV(probability) |
25 | PERCENTILE | Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range | =PERCENTILE(arrayarray [required]: The array or range of data that defines relative standing., kk [required]: The percentile value in the range 0.) | =PERCENTILE(array, k) |
26 | PERCENTRANK | Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set | =PERCENTRANK(arrayarray [required]: The array or range of data with numeric values that defines relative standing., xx [required]: The value for which you want to know the rank., [significancesignificance [optional]: A value that identifies the number of significant digits for the returned percentage value.]) | =PERCENTRANK(array, x, [significance]) |
27 | POISSON | Returns the Poisson distribution | =POISSON(xx [required]: The number of events., meanmean [required]: The expected numeric value., cumulativecumulative [required]: A logical value that determines the form of the probability distribution returned.) | =POISSON(x, mean, cumulative) |
28 | QUARTILE | Returns the quartile of a data set | =QUARTILE(arrayarray [required]: The array or cell range of numeric values for which you want the quartile value., quartquart [required]: Indicates which value to return.) | =QUARTILE(array, quart) |
29 | RANK | Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers | =RANK(numbernumber [required]: The number whose rank you want to find., refref [required]: An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers., [orderorder [optional]: A number specifying how to rank number.]) | =RANK(number, ref, [order]) |
30 | STDEV | Estimates standard deviation based on a sample | =STDEV(number1number1 [required]: The first number argument corresponding to a sample of a population., [number2number2 [optional]: Additional numbers to a sample of a population], ...) | =STDEV(number1, [number2], ...) |
31 | STDEVP | Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments | =STDEVP(number1number1 [required]: The first number argument corresponding to a population., [number2number2 [optional]: Additional optional numbers], ...) | =STDEVP(number1, [number2], ...) |
32 | TDIST | Returns the Percentage Points (probability) for the Student t-distribution where a numeric value (x) is a calculated value of t for which the Percentage Points are to be computed | =TDIST(xx [required]: The numeric value at which to evaluate the distribution., deg_freedomdeg_freedom [required]: An integer indicating the number of degrees of freedom., tailstails [required]: Specifies the number of distribution tails to return.) | =TDIST(x, deg_freedom, tails) |
33 | TINV | Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's t-distribution | =TINV(probabilityprobability [required]: The probability associated with the two-tailed Student's t-distribution., deg_freedomdeg_freedom [required]: The number of degrees of freedom with which to characterize the distribution.) | =TINV(probability, deg_freedom) |
34 | TTEST | Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. | =TTEST(array1array1 [required]: The first data set., array2array2 [required]: The second data set., tailstails [required]: Specifies the number of distribution tails., typetype [required]: The kind of t-Test to perform.) | =TTEST(array1, array2, tails, type) |
35 | VAR | Estimates variance based on a sample | =VAR(number1number1 [required]: The first number argument corresponding to a sample of a population., [number2number2 [optional]: Additional optional numbers.], ...) | =VAR(number1, [number2], ...) |
36 | VARP | Calculates variance based on the entire population | =VARP(number1number1 [required]: The first number argument corresponding to a population., [number2number2 [optional]: Additional optional numbers.], ...) | =VARP(number1, [number2], ...) |
37 | WEIBULL | Returns the Weibull distribution | =WEIBULL(xx [required]: The value at which to evaluate the function., alphaalpha [required]: A parameter to the distribution., betabeta [required]: A parameter to the distribution., cumulativecumulative [required]: Determines the form of the function.) | =WEIBULL(x, alpha, beta, cumulative) |
38 | ZTEST | Returns the one-tailed P-value of a z-test | =ZTEST(arrayarray [required]: The array or range of data against which to test x., xx [required]: The value to test., [sigmasigma [optional]: The population (known) standard deviation.]) | =ZTEST(array, x, [sigma]) |
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